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Showing posts from February, 2018

The Tocsin 2/28

Afrin's New Assailants: Inside the Grey Wolves, The Anti-Kurdish, NATO-Aligned Group Tied to German Arms Exports Syria War: Turkey 'Indiscriminately Shelling Civilians in Afrin' PODCAST: #DefendAfrin, Online/World Class War, Greek Prisoners     Hambach Forest Eco Activists Want Mail and Art     Greece: Actions Against 5th Most Expensive Shopping District in Europe in Solidarity With Political Prisoners Corbyn vs May At MPQs: Tories, Falling Apart, Demand Free Trade Without Questions #SaudiPrinceNotWelcome: 5 Reasons to Oppose Butcher Bin Salman and Aramco Agenda Arctic's Dangerous Temperature Rises Land on the Front Page of the Guardian EU APPROVES Monsanto-Bayer GMO $7.2 Billion Merger NATO, Nukes, and Fracking , not Russia, Keep EU Hostage Modernism, Subsidised Housing. and a Reassessment of Brutalism   The Disorientation of the World: Neoliberalism's Rise Since the 1970s Explored Via Eric Hobsbawm David W...

The Tocsin 2/27

March 4 Elections in Italy: Potere al Popolo is Simply the Only Choice From Communists to Anarchists, Italian Left Marches United Against Fascism and Neoliberal Status Quo Ahead of Ugly Election The Story of a Syrian Family Living in Fear and Terror As Migrants Under #FortressEurope #Berlin: Turkish Embassy Attacked With Paint in Solidarity With #Afrin Netanyahu's Thug Rule: Israel Extracts “Confession” From Badly Wounded Cousin of #AhedTamimi #COP24: Polish Far-Right Regime Bans Global South Protests Against Corporate Climate Summit #SaudiPrinceNotWelcome: Israel-Aligned bin Salman Faces Huge Protest Wave in London #Greece: Protest, Graffiti for Rebuilding Libertatia, In Solidarity With Political Prisoners #Brexit Deal Makes it Definite: Corbyn is Officially PM in Waiting An End to Neoliberalism Means an End of Blaming Yourself for Climate Change Twitter "Bot" Crackdown Targets Anti-TTIP, Anti-Corporate Activists TTIP/CETA-Suppor...

Afrin's New Assailants: Inside the Grey Wolves, The Anti-Kurdish, NATO-Aligned Group Tied to German Arms Exports

Nach unten scrollen für Deutsch As citizens across Europe protest daily against Erdogan's invasion of Afrin, a shadowy far-right armed group aligned with the Turkish ultra-right and NATO has become intimately involved in the war in northern Syria. The organisation, known as the "Grey Wolves," has also been involved in the harassment of pro-Kurdish protestors in Germany, according to news sources. The Grey Wolves were founded exactly 50 years ago in 1968, at the apex of a period of social revolution in Europe and the world. Turkey was no exception to this trend, and nationalist leaders in the country were deeply concerned with the potential popularity of communist and left-wing ideas in Turkey. Set up by Alparslan Türkeş , the group was to function as the paramilitary group of the ultra-right MHP party, and began its life targeting student activists and left-wing people. However, it soon acquired the character of a death squad, similar to those backed by the US ...

The Tocsin 2/26

Arctic Temperatures in 2018: This Is NOT Normal! The Legacy of the Multinationals: Earth as a Garbage Dump, From Trash Heaps to Nuclear Waste In America, No Climate Journalists or Scientists on Any Sunday News Show in 2017 The Invisible Committee Part 3: Let's Destitute the World (New PDF) #France: Anti-Nuclear Manifestations Planned March 3-4 How the #ZAD Squatters Smashed The Logic of Macronism: A Documentary Germany: Action by Commando Kendal Breizh Against Erdogan & NATO Alliance in Solidarity with #Afrin Greece: Leaflets, Flames, and Protests In Solidarity With Political Prisoner's Hunger Strike The Great Pivot: Saudi, OPEC, Russia Unite Behind High Oil Prices as #Aramco IPO Looms Does the Venezuelan "Petro" Point the Way Towards the Rise of a New Reserve Currency? Israeli Military Police Arrest Injured Cousin of #AhedTamimi At Night Illegal American Embassy in Jerusalem to Be Located in US Consulate General Uni...

The Tocsin 2/24

Twitter Attacks "Bot" Accounts, Far-Left and Far-Right Targeted and Suspended Abby Martin: Algorithms and Bans Being Used to Silence the Left Right-Wing Times Writer from Climate Denialist Think-Tank Blames Russia for Anti-Fracking Movement, Calls Fear of Nuclear War "Propaganda" and "Disinformation" NATO PR Agencies Behind "RussiaGate" Newspaper Claims -Investigations   Italy: Far-Left Protestors Clash With Cops, Right-Wing Extremists as Politicians Fear Return to "Years of Lead" VIDEO: Heavily Armed Riot Police Aim Water Cannons, Teargas at Anti-Racist Protestors   Left-Wing Squat in Lombardy Burned Down by Fascists.....   NYRB: A Primer on Italian Right-Wing Extremist Ties to Government, NATO     Greenpeace Leaks Documents from US-UK Right-Wing Think-Tank Network Preparing #Brexit Trade Deal  Stopping the Brexit Trade Sham:Why Eco Activists and Labour Voters Should Put Undemocratic and Shadowy US-UK Dealm...

Civic Critic 2/22

#Bure: French Forest Occupation Evicted in the Name of Nuclear Energy Police Invade Ancient Forest With Caterpillar Vehicles #CEPA: The Canadian-Indonesia Trade Deal that Will Push ISDS and Tie the Hands of a Corbyn Government- If We Don't Stop It Final Version of TPP-11 Corporate Trade Deal Unveiled Read All 30 Chapters of ISDS Deal (PDFs HERE) Trump Pushes Foreword on #Fracking Exports to Europe #HambiBleibt: Walk in the Forest in Support of #Hambi4 on Sunday Tens of Thousands Protest Against #Macri's Austerity Budget in Argentina Viola Carofalo: "Power to the People is the Modernity of the Non-Modern" Iran Wants to Annihilate 6 Million Jews — Netanyahu’s Munich Rant, Interrupted Our Response to #SiKo's War Rhetoric, From #DPRK to #Iran, Will Determine Humanity's Survival LePen at #CPAC-The Final Far-Right Transformation of the US Republicans NRA Leader Rouses #CPAC Rabble With Racist Rant Democrat Candi...

Civic Critic 2/21

French Agricultural Workers Strike, Protest Against #Mercosur and #CETA ISDS May Be Eliminated In NAFTA Under Canadian-US Agreement-Reports European Commission Approves Windfall for Military-Industrial Complex- EU-Canada Deal is a Boon for Arms Sales 171 Leaked Documents: The #Mercosur Trade Deal, Rainforests, and the Precautionary Principle #LosBorbonesSonUnosLadrones: Outrage As Songwriter Slapped With 3 Year Prison Term for Insulting Spain's Bourbon King Forest Rage: Music Against the Imprisonment of #Hambi4 Former Counter-Terror Groups Push Fear Narratives of "Russian Disinformation"   "#Brexit Road to Nowhere:" Corbyn Storms Against May and Corporate Capture in #PMQs New Poll Shows Tory Wipeout in London as 54% Back Labour #FreeAhedTamimi: 17 Years of Refusal on Trial EU Cozies Up to Anti-Arab Zionist Groups The Top 5 Most Bizarre Political Props, from Colin Powell to Nikki Haley Fuck Off Google! Fuck Off NATO! Berl...

Figures, Institutions Tracking "Fake News" and Russian Meddling Have Dark Backgrounds in Counter-Terror Industry

As Russia is beginning to overtake Islamic terrorism as the chief enemy of the United States in the eyes of the government and the mainstream media, many of the same figures and organisations that made a name for themselves as "terrorism experts" in previous years are now presenting themselves and each other as the go-to authorities on disinformation and "fake news." Many of these individuals also have a history of repression of anarchist and left-wing forces.   Many have used the term "terrorism gold rush" to describe the cottage industry of think tanks, senior fellows, and private corporations that arose in the United States after the events of September 11, 2001. In fact, the "terrorism industry," to use the title of Edward Herman 's 1989 book, goes back much further than that, originating in the late 1970s alongside the think-tank boom itself, with organisations such as AEI, the Heritage Foundation, the Center for Strategic and Int...