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Showing posts from March, 2018

Civic Critic 3/29

Huge Student Manifestations In France Teargassed, Attacked By Riot Police, New Squats Established Repression, Refugees, and the Fascist University   Repression in Britain: Police Arrest Protesters As They Promise Anna Campbell "We Will Fight On" (TEXT, PHOTO, AUDIO) "Jihadi John" Woodcock, The Anti-Corbyn, Pro-Erdogan ISIS Labour MP May Exit Party Jeremy Corbyn Must Stop Pandering to Labour’s Israel Lobby South Wales Police Under Fire For Using Facial Recognition Technology Against Protesters #WarAgainstNATO #Amsterdam April 11: Demonstration & Die-In Against Airbus and the Militarisation of EU Borders Grenoble, France: Frontex Conference Disrupted at the University of Grenoble New Crimethinc Podcast: #StopG7 and Actions for #Afrin & Against #NATO NEW #MERCOSUR Corporate Trade Documents Exposed in Massive Leak, Chapters on Pipelines, Energy, Dispute Settlement Laid Bare Call To International Action: We Say NO To The G20 Summit In...

Repression, Refugees, and the Fascist University

Over the past week, students in various European universities and youth groups have faced unprecedented and violent repression by fascist forces in Turkey and France, and a massive smear attack against anti-war, anti-NATO opinions in the UK by forces connected to the state and military arms deals. However, it is not an accident that the university is the latest centre of struggle in the European metropole, but rather, the climax of an ideological counter-revolution unleashed after the revolts of May 68 50 years ago. In France, it was the faculty themselves that led a baton-and-taser attack against the student occupation in Montpellier University. The students had faced the police of Emmanuel Macron earlier in the day in their protests against the selection law and neoliberal “reforms.” The faculty of the French university has not been active merely in physical struggles. Professor Alain de Benoist, a known identarian and “New Right” figure, has along with his cohorts Marco T...

The Tocsin 3/28

  France: Student Protests Against Fascism and Neoliberalism In the University Amid Teargas, Chemicals & Water Cannons From Cop Forces (VIDEO) #AgendaDesLuttes : Call For Manifestations, Actions, Photos, Art & Letters For 2018  Communist & Anarchist Students In Turkey Opposing #Afrin War Prosecuted by Erdogan Thousands of Students and Antifas March In Brussels for Afrin And Against NATO Labour Youth Call For Protest On March 31 For Anna Campbell And Against Tory-NATO Arms Shipments UK Government Official Statement: "We Cannot Categorically State that UK Weapons Are Not in Use in Turkish Military Operations in Afrin" "With Love And Determination"- Statement From Anna Campbell's Father Dirk Campbell Ringleader of Anti-Corbyn Blairite Plot Took Trip to Turkey Paid For By ISIS Group Attacking Afrin-Reports Jewish Labour Activists Defend Corbyn as Israel Lobby Attacks Jeremy Corbyn Isn't Antisemitic: We Should Stop Bein...

The Tocsin 3/27

#StopG7 #G72018: Call For Anarchist And Alter-Globalist Opposition to June Meeting Of Corporate And State Oligarchy In La Malbaie, Quebec   US To Decide On Revival Of "Bigger Than TTIP" #TiSA Trade Deal This Week-Reports 2017 NATO "Energy Council" Research PDF: "A New TTIP Should Include Energy and Fracking" #TTIP Revival In Germany: How The "Anti-Trump Doctrine" Is Convincing Even Greens to Support Corporate Trade Deals Cambridge Analytica's Hypernormality: The Salisbury Attack and US-UK Government Deals   Israeli Mossad Company "Black Cube" Used Ties With Cambridge Analytica to Hack And Rig African Election   VIDEO: Last Interview Recorded With Sehid Hêlîn Qerecox (Anna Campbell)   #DefendAfrin #Berlin: "Tag-X," Or, What To Do When Erdogan Comes To Town   #Berlin: Incendiary Action Against NATO & Corporate Communications Infrastructure for Afrin #RefugeesGR: Serious Allegations Again...